An exciting new chapter for Gangaji's prison program was launched this spring, one that is reaching prisoners in a new way. In 2023 we first heard of Edovo. Their small team has been working since 2012 to improve educational opportunities for those inside prison walls. They are committed to serving the incarcerated population by providing digital access to free learning resources. With a focus on rehabilitation through education, they have built the tools to bridge the gap between prisoners and those on the outside who offer support services and educational opportunity.
In our initial conversations with the team at Edovo we loved that they shared our value of bringing free high-quality materials to prisoners, and we saw how we could easily plug in. As tablets and other devices become more widely accessible inside prisons, Edovo has created a simple platform designed to make it easy for prisoners to study and to gain certification credits that can be a vital to successful parole hearings.
Currently, Edovo serves some 450,000 prisoners, with plans for expansion to a million by end of 2024. With subjects ranging from Math and Science, to spirituality and mental health, to building vocational and life skills toward a successful re-entry after release, prisoners with access to tablets can pick their own course of study.
So far, we have uploaded the Freedom Inside Workbook 1, as well as selected podcasts and videos. Already over 2,200 prisoners have enrolled in the course and watched videos, potentially seeing Gangaji or hearing her voice for the very first time. It's thrilling to us to see this unfold. We so appreciate what Edovo makes possible for us, and most importantly for those inside.
“What a wonder to have a vehicle like the GF Prison Program to send Gangaji's message to our sangha behind bars.” Shanti Einolander, Prison Program Manager
What if there was a simple, immediate way you could make a real difference in an inmate’s life? There is...
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“This is your resting place, your watering hole. Find what supports you, what includes you, and drink it in. Be nourished. Be enlivened. And when you feel thirsty again, drink some more.” —Gangaji
You might be surprised by how many prisoners, global website visitors, podcast listeners, and more have participated in this community. Learn more
"I have found writing these letters to a prisoner to be a most intimate and deepening act of love towards myself, as well as a way of appreciating and acknowledging our shared human beingness."
"I can't imaging a better way to serve. It is such a privilege. I feel that I am standing behind Gangaji, putting my resources into her use of her words." Get Started