Gangaji Community
A Change in the Prison Program Team
from Staff and Volunteers
April 26, 2024

Shanti Einolander has been our dedicated Prison Program manager for the past few years, keeping all aspects of the program running smoothly, and leading the way with new and exciting developments. Now she is stepping back from her administrative/manager role. She will continue to create content for our on-going course for prisoners, Freedom Inside: Self-Inquiry with Gangaji. In her announcement to the correspondence team she wrote:

"It has been the deepest privilege over these years to touch base with each of you in one way or another. Your devotion to the program and the spiritual insight that has flowed between you and our sangha on the inside has been an incredible joy to witness. The prison program is truly the heart of the Gangaji Foundation, and the correspondence program along with Freedom Inside are the heart of the prison program. Thank you for your love and generous spirits that make it all possible!"

Barbara Denempont will now oversee the program and build a team of volunteers to help with administration. If you are interested, you can reach email us for more information.

Diana Button is the correspondence manager. She onboards and trains new volunteers, pairs them with a waiting prisoner and handles all the letters to and from prisoners and volunteers, making sure each letter reaches the right hands. Read more about the correspondence program here.

Freedom Inside newsletters are edited and designed by Shanti Einolander,  and include teachings from Gangaji, beautiful photography (much of it donated by Dhruva Baumbach,) and reports from those inside who are inspired by Gangaji’s message of peace and true freedom. Each newsletter is accompanied by a worksheet with inquiry questions that point the participants ever deeper within. Christiane Gude is the designer of Workbooks 1 and 2

Sutra Robinson and Abby Stason also help keep the program running by assisting in the mail room. We are currently looking for additional administrative assistance in the Prison Program. 

For the latest development in this 30-year history see The Prison Program Goes Digital.

“After I read Gangaji's newsletters, I've started leaving them on the horseshoe in the unit for someone else.” ­—Divesh, FCI Williamsburg, SC


Learn More about the Prison Program>>

“What a wonder to have a vehicle like the GF Prison Program to send Gangaji's message to our sangha behind bars.” Shanti Einolander, Prison Program Manager

“This is your resting place, your watering hole. Find what supports you, what includes you, and drink it in. Be nourished. Be enlivened. And when you feel thirsty again, drink some more.” —Gangaji

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From a Prison program volunteer

"I have found writing these letters to a prisoner to be a most intimate and deepening act of love towards myself, as well as a way of appreciating and acknowledging our shared human beingness."

Want to Volunteer as a Prisoner Correspondent?

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"I can't imaging a better way to serve. It is such a privilege. I feel that I am standing behind Gangaji, putting my resources into her use of her words."  Get Started
