Our Community Behind Bars

Prison Program

“The source I have sought for so long is eternally present. The love I never had which I so yearned for I’ve found in my own heart.” —Keith 

Since 1994, the Prison Program has offered the opportunity for those both on the "inside" and the "outside" to deepen in self-inquiry. Gangaji’s Freedom Inside course by mail is made freely available to prisoners across 300 US prisons.

Books upon request
Correspondence Program
A new offering makes Gangaji available to c. 350,000 prisoners via Ipad.
Number of Prisoners enrolled in Freedom Inside course by mail

Volunteer Opportunities

Ashland Volunteers and Donors gather for an eventing with Gangaji

“I can’t imagine a better way to serve.  I love Gangaji’s teaching, and I want to enable as many people as possible to see and hear her for years to come.” – Melissa Fischer, Archive Project Volunteer

Unloading the van for satsang

Help Wanted

Reach out to us if you would like to volunteer.

Yes, I'd like to volunteer

The Impact is Real

“A friend recommended Gangaji's videos to me. I remembered this recommendation and watched the first video. At that moment, I realized one thing: I'm finally home.” —Paulene, Germany

“This happiness, this peace is the great gift. It’s my joy to support spreading it” —Mary, Santa Rosa, CA

A friend recommended Gangaji's videos to me. I remembered this recommendation and watched the first video. At that moment, I realized one thing: I'm finally home. —Paulene, Germany
This happiness, this peace is the great gift. It’s my joy to support spreading it —Mary, Santa Rosa, CA
In our meeting Sunday Gangaji increased my feeling that I was coming home to Reality, to my Self, to something so fresh and alive that my ego couldn't "handle" it. —John
Thank you Gangaji and everyone at the foundation for making this happen. This is beyond good luck. —Mesfin, Ethiopia
Gangaji Foundation financial overview for 2024.
Financial Report
from the Board of Directors
Gangaji Foundation financial overview for 2024
From the Exec. Director
read more ≫
This community has always kept apace with changing technologies. Today is no exception.
Building for the Future
With an estimated 7000+ hours of recordings in the archives, our focus is to curate the recordings...
from Tech and Support Staff
Behind the Scenes
read more ≫

Giving the Gift of Retreat


From the community, for the community. Scholarships help visitors new to Gangaji attend events and programs they couldn't normally afford. 

Scholarships Awarded
Donations Received

“I asked and your Foundation said yes! This teaching can give you the gift of freedom immediately” —Russel 

"To be a scholarship donor is to me an indescribable joy, as I am directly contributing to this discovery of Peace in our world." Barbara, Dunsmuir, CA

"Thank you Gangaji and everyone at the foundation for making this happen. This is beyond good luck. " Mesfin, Ethiopia

Where scholarships were awarded in 2023
More Community Blog Posts
More Letters from Prisoners

Gangaji Community

Love of peace brings us together. Serving peace is our opportunity... together.

Read stories of realization and appreciation from our community, learn about what we do, and how you can get involved. 

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Scroll down to read personal reflections and reports from the community, as well as information about how you can get involved.

Newly added:


Our Shared Purpose

Side-by-side with Gangaji, we serve the recognition of peace and freedom inherent in core of all being. Volunteers, donors, and staff collaborate with Gangaji and each other to make this message of peace available in all corners of the world and past prison walls. We make possible… 

  • In-Person & Online Events  
  • Prison Program 
  • Community Gatherings 
  • Podcasts and Media Offerings 
  • Archive Project 
  • Scholarships

“I find myself profoundly moved as I sit in a front row seat, watching all that this community creates, sustains, and embodies in service to love, peace, and freedom.” —Barbara Denempont

Executive Director,  Barbara Denempont, reflects on the enormous generosity and collective expression of love coming from this community in 2024, and sends her gratitude to all who have played their part.

Quick Links

Donor Collaborative:
A virtual space for donors

Next Meeting:

Saturday, March 8th 9:00 AM

Weekly Silent Sitting
Community led meeting

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, February 18th 11:30 AM PST

Community Voices

From Our Community Behind Bars

Established in 1994, the Gangaji Foundation Prison Program offers programs that support men and women living behind bars in furthering their spiritual inquiry. Gangaji’s Freedom Inside course by mail is made freely available to prisoners across 300 US prisons.

Correspondence Program
Books upon request
More about the Prison Program ≫

“The source I have sought for so long is eternally present. The love I never had which I so yearned for I’ve found in my own heart.” —Keith 

Get Involved

Learn how you can support a team of volunteers writing to prisoners.

“As a volunteer correspondent, I’m grateful and humbled by having found a friend living under such challenging circumstances, showing me that Truth and Peace are available anywhere and everywhere. We are supported. We are free.” —Surati

Committed to Serving Peace

See More Photos
This was the first time I felt space, and I heard words describing what I have been feeling since a little kid. —Patricia, Spain
This happiness, this peace is the great gift. It’s my joy to support spreading it —Mary, Santa Rosa, CA
“The course was a cracked door and an open window, a kind of a coming home.” —Dale, Washington

The Impact is Real

Engaging with the Gangaji Foundation as a volunteer or donor is an opportunity to send a message of peace to the world—a message that serves to end unnecessary suffering and contributes to compassion, sanity, and inclusiveness.

“I asked and your Foundation said yes! This teaching can give you the gift of freedom immediately.” —Russel 

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are the backbone of this community. Read their stories on this page, and learn how you can connect.

Prison Correspondence
Archive Project
GF Office Admin Support
Ashland Events set up

“I can’t imagine a better way to serve. I love Gangaji’s teaching, and I want to enable as many people as possible to see and hear her for years to come.—Melissa

80k visitors across 181 countries found in the past year.

In 2024, Gangaji’s podcasts have been downloaded over 139,000 times in countries near and far.

More than 720 prisoners in 300 US Prison received Freedom Inside, a course by mail this month.

Supported by donors,  this year 107 scholarships were awarded with a value of over $41,000.

Add Your Voice

Ask a question, share a report, or get in touch. Or, tell us why you first became a donor or volunteer.

“There is a certain point when the desire to serve something is more important than the desire to get something. That is a secret, wonderful moment. This is where we meet.” ~Gangaji

From the Leadership Team

Help Fund Our Programs

We welcome the financial support of donors to keep this beacon of freedom burning brightly. With every one-time or monthly contribution made you ensure...

that every prisoner’s request is responded to
scholarships will be awarded
podcasts will be produced
the website is up and running

...and so much more that is truly meaningful to those seeking lasting peace.

So Far This Year...

2024 Donation Goal
Raised: $550,483

Learn more about the impact your donation can make...

“Supporting the transmission of love and peace around the world - for me it is inevitable.” —Hannelore, Switzerland
Sign up for eNews updates & receive a free 3-part introductory course
plus monthly videos, podcasts, Gangaji’s blog, calendar updates, and more.