Gangaji Community
Facing the Man in the Mirror
January 13, 2025

“This is your resting place, your watering hole. Find what supports you, what includes you, and drink it in. Be nourished. Be enlivened. And when you feel thirsty again, drink some more.” —Gangaji

In Your Own Words
for the love of peace

The Gangaji Foundation serves the truth of universal consciousness and the potential for the recognition of peace inherent in the core of all being. Download For the Love of Peace

How Can you support this community?

Find out more about our community behind bars, and how you can support them as a volunteer and donor. Learn more

From a Prison program volunteer

"I have found writing these letters to a prisoner to be a most intimate and deepening act of love towards myself, as well as a way of appreciating and acknowledging our shared human beingness."

Want to Volunteer as a Prisoner Correspondent?

would you like to volunteer?

"I first thought I was communicating with a prisoner to help them with opening up to the Truth in themselves.  I was quickly cured of that arrogance and I realized that I was fortunate enough to have volunteered to share in satsang with another who happens to be in prison." —Dan  Get Started
