“We have become enamored with our spiritual search. It serves a crucial purpose as it awakens the heart. Yet if it becomes the object of our infatuation, it is a relentless obstacle. Give it up! Give up your search for awakening, give up your search for love, give up your search for yourself for one instant, and see what is found.”
If you have been graced with a glimpse of reality, can you honestly say that you did something for it? Can you say with certainty that you can command its return? Gangaji reminds us that this is the joke! You have never been separate from this. What you have been searching for is already here, realizing itself in you.
Gangaji’s online program, With Gangaji, serves a global community dedicated to living from the ground of love, not fear. Our commitment is to support each other in an ever-deepening realization of what is already whole and complete.