Live Zoom Meeting from March 22

While we are keeping our physical distance from each other all over the globe, we can still offer each other our loving support. Gangaji offered a free online meeting on March 22, a time to come together, to share our heartfelt reports and questions, and open to what is here. We are in this together.

You Have a Chance to Be at Peace

What is your responsibility to peace? Is peace in the world ever separate from peace within your own mind? When you stop waiting for them, whoever they may be, to make peace, and shift your attention to your own mind, then you have a chance to be at peace. Gangaji offers each and everyone one of us the support to live from love and peace rather than fear and hatred. She shows us how to end our unnecessary suffering, and in that, be more fully available. This essential message can shift the human perspective to openness, compassion, and inclusion. Doesn’t it seem like now is a very good time to send a message of peace to the world?

Send a message of peace to those you may never meet in other parts of the world, to those living behind prison walls, and those who share the same deep desire for lasting freedom and peace. Please consider becoming a new or returning pledge donor or make a one-time donation this year. Every gift matters. If you have benefitted from any of Gangaji’s programs, it was because community members like you made it possible. Learn More

Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

When the Unimaginable Happens

In this clip, When the Unimaginable Happens, a woman faces into her grief and guilt after making a fatal mistake. She describes for Gangaji the harrowing circumstances of a journey to hell and back, after making an unaccountable, deathly mistake while on vacation in Mexico.

The Ballet on the Freeway

The Joy in Meeting Emotion

Stop Trusting Your Thoughts

Trusting Yourself, Trusting LIfe

From a retreat with Gangaji at Santa Sabina Center in San Rafael, CA. Gangaji asks us to inquire, what does it mean to trust yourself, what do you hope you will get if you do trust yourself? If trusting yourself is the surrender of your mind into the ground of your being, then it is actually realizing the truth of yourself.

The Garden of Death

The End of Suffering - Before and After