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Lasting Fulfillment

Are You Postponing the Deepest Desire of Your Life?

The Secret of Lasting Fulfillment

Falling Into Yourself: Self-Inquiry with Gangaji
A Seven-Part Online Course

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The Refusal to Rest


Summer & Fall 2020 Meeting Series

Facing the World We Live In

At the end of last year, the world’s awareness became keenly focused on the harsh realities of climate change. In response, Gangaji wanted to offer a series of online meetings on what it means to live from the ground of love in the wake of difficult circumstances. Now, as we are facing the utter seriousness and urgency of the Coronavirus, we have decided to start this series earlier than originally planned.

Facing The World We Live In is a series of five online meetings designed to take a close look at our very human survival strategies and responses when it comes to facing difficult circumstances. See below for details of each monthly topic.

Whether we are experiencing acute anxiety, in denial, or overwhelmed with grief at what will be lost, we can take responsibility for our own actions and responses, deepen the capacity of our hearts, and be true friends to one another. We are in this together.

You Don't Need To Fix Yourself To Know True Happiness

In this video, You Don't Have to Fix Yourself to Know True Happiness, Gangaji is inviting you to stop imagining what it is about yourself that you need to get fixed, or get rid of. Stop imagining how you need to be deeper, or awake a hundred percent of the time. All of that is within the realm of imagining a problem or imagining that there are certain benchmark measurements.

"Problems do appear in people's lives and there are measurements. But I am inviting you to engage in an experiment: to just immediately being at home."