What is Enough?

If you are sure you are not enough, not pretty enough, not clever enough, not rich enough, just not enough...take a deeper look. How do you know you are enough?

Conscious Life, in Love with Itself

A two-part clip from Mount Shasta 2009. Gangaji speaks of honoring life itself, and the freedom to live fully when we stop trying to fix ourselves.

Permission to Sing Your Song

Recorded April 29, 2009, in Arlington Virginia, this clip investigates the thought pattern of needing confirmation from the outside in order to be ok, and ultimately penetrated the belief that "I am not enough."

Learn more in a live meeting with Gangaji on May 16, 2021

The Challenge of the Super Ego

Recorded December 26, 1999, in Marin County, this clip is about the struggle with a superego that tells us we need to be pure before we can be whole.

Learn more in a live meeting with Gangaji on May 16, 2021

You Are Wanted By Yourself

Recorded May 21, 2018, this clip is about the intimacy of realizing through inquiry that you are wanted, and what wants you is your own self.

Learn more in a live meeting with Gangaji on April 18, 2021

Intimacy with Yourself

True self-intimacy is the discovery of the immeasurable silence of your own heart. In this intimate exchange from October 2018, a poem and a beautiful confirmation from Gangaji express that deep self-affirmation that we so long for.

Intimacy with the Whole Universe

True intimacy is endless. You can be intimate with the whole universe. Recorded March 18, 2009

Me and My Illusion

What do you think is happening? What story are you telling yourself about yourself? We develop “illusions” using powers of mind: memory, projection, dissociation, interpretation. In the extreme, we create outlandish conspiracy theories. In our daily lives, we often use the power of mind to create needless suffering. This month, we examine these patterns and Gangaji helps us unearth the jewel in being disillusioned.
 “It is very useful to recognize illusions.  It is also crucial to recognize that regardless of illusion, you are present. You are the power behind illusion and the power behind truth.”
Join Gangaji for an online meeting Sunday March 21, 2021 to explore this more. /online-events/#upcoming-dates-topics

This Space of Stillness

Gangaji reflects, not for the first or the last time, on the extraordinary times we are living in. While celebrating the wealth of possibilities that our lives present, she offers the timeless teaching from Papaji, to just stop, wherever you are, and drop all that you think you have gained. In a moment of the most pristine, indescribable depth of silence, it is possible to discover the truth of who you are. Gangaji is inviting you, just as you are, into this space of stillness, where the mind clings to nothing.

The Power of Illusion

What do you think is happening? What story are you telling yourself about yourself? We develop “illusions” using powers of mind: memory, projection, dissociation, interpretation. In the extreme, we create outlandish conspiracy theories. In our daily lives, we often use the power of mind to create needless suffering. This month, we examine these patterns and Gangaji helps us unearth the jewel in being disillusioned.
 “It is very useful to recognize illusions.  It is also crucial to recognize that regardless of illusion, you are present. You are the power behind illusion and the power behind truth.”