Silent Retreat Salt Spring Island ~ 2019 ~ 1087 ~ 2019 ~ 1761347

Retreat with Gangaji 

This 6-day silent retreat takes place on beautiful Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, a new location that we are very excited about. The retreat will be held on Stowel Lake Farm, a short drive from the ferry terminals at both Ganges and Fulford Harbors. Stowel farm is a thriving organic farm, retreat centre, and community located on over a hundred acres of mixed forests, fields, rocky outcrops, and rolling hills.

Attending a residential retreat with Gangaji offers a unique opportunity to withdraw from the normal distractions of your everyday life and inquire into what you truly want. With the support of Gangaji, other participants, and beautiful, contemplative settings, you can embark on a deep inner dive of self-discovery.

With self-inquiry, Gangaji draws your attention away from your thoughts and into the direct experience of what is always here and who you truly are—peace itself, consciousness itself. In the willingness to retreat from your search for just one moment, you can profoundly realize you are already home, already free. This is the secret that lies at the heart of retreat.

Throughout the event, Gangaji offers you her deepest support and guidance in meeting yourself fully.

During our time on retreat…

We will meet with Gangaji twice a day to ask questions and share our reports. On silent retreat, we speak only during our meetings with Gangaji.  A retreat with Gangaji may also include silent meditation, chanting and video presentations.

This is a residential retreat with options for both camping and staying offsite. Your retreat fee for your chosen registration option is all-inclusive of tuition, meals, and housing. For information on accommodation and meals see below. Registration fees are in U.S dollars.

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