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Put Your Burden Down
Recorded Nov 22, 2006
In this short clip Gangaji invites us to rest the burden of the thinking mind and come home to who we are, before any thought.
Liberation Blooms in the Last Place Expected
Recorded Jul 14, 2024
Suffering with Parkinson's for many years, this man shares the aliveness of meeting the disease head on and finding the freedom in it.
This Moment of Pure Expansion
Recorded Nov 8, 2008
In this powerful exchange, Gangaji offers a simple inquiry that bursts through and interrupts a pattern of suffering, bringing a moment of clear and joyful expansion.
Who is Gangaji?

Gangaji's answer to the questions, Who is Gangaji? and What is Gangaji's message? As she says, the answer is actually impossible to phrase in Language.

You Are Indefinable
Recorded Sep 27, 2007
"If you are willing to surrender for a moment any definition of yourself that arises however high or low, you will directly discover what lies underneath.”

Is there a relationship between our self-definitions and the desire to control? What happens when we set aside our definitions, is it freeing or frightening? In this monologue and exchange, Gangaji encourages us to set aside all definitions in a moment of self-inquiry to discover what is free of all definitions—you.
Just Like You
Recorded Oct 22, 2023
On Meeting Gangaji online, and taking full advantage of what is offered here.
The Sublime Nectar of Stillness
Recorded Mar 26, 1999
The profound teaching of Ramana is to be the stillness that you are. This stillness is eternal and it is the sublime nectar of being.
How Will You Liberate the Mind?
Recorded Jan 10, 2009
Recorded on January 10, 2009, in San Diego, CA,  Gangaji asks, how will you liberate your mind? How do you surrender control? How do you take responsibility for your own liberation from the control of the mind?
Losing My Enlightenment
Recorded Aug 18, 1997
“Universal, limitless consciousness has no problem with feeling bad or feeling good.” 

When we experience challenging emotions or exacting mental states we may imagine we are “losing our enlightenment.” A day may start with oceanic feelings of bliss, but in the next moment, fear or rage or sadness appear. Are we really losing our enlightenment? What are we overlooking in our quest for the “good feelings?” In this relatable and lively exchange Gangaji imparts the task Papaji gave to her: Find out what doesn’t come and go.
Are You Enslaved to the Idea of What Is Enough?
Recorded Dec 8, 2024
Regardless of circumstances or accomplishments, most people feel that they need to do more to be regarded as enough. This is fertile ground for self-inquiry. Until you discover the wholeness of your being, this need can never be satisfied. The true desire is to be yourself, and to be yourself is to be whole. That is more than enough.
Your Number Has Been Called...You Won the Lottery
Recorded Oct 6, 2023
Awakening has nothing to do with deservability. Whatever your level of experience and understanding, if you are watching this, your number has been called.
Put Your Burden Down
Recorded Nov 22, 2006
In this short clip Gangaji invites us to rest the burden of the thinking mind and come home to who we are, before any thought.
The Right Use of the Mind
Recorded May 31, 2017
“First, there arises in our minds and in our hearts a deep desire to know the truth. Then, of course, we do what we know to do; we try to figure that out. Finally you reach a precipice where you have the intelligence and the honesty and the self-respect to tell the truth: ‘Oh I can’t get to it through my mind.’ That’s the right use of the mind. Then the truth gets you, as it’s always had you."
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Community Video Screening
Sunday, March 16th, 2025 12:10 PM PDT
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Theme: Theme Coming Soon
Join us for a monthly community video screening hosted by Gangaji staff members. More...
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“I am here for you. We are here for each other. We are all in this together.”
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